poems.. saturday night

namanya juga puisi cintrong, ga dapet feelnya kalau ga dilebay lebayin, bak sambel pete tanpa pete, atau sup kacang merah tanpa kacang merah, atau es blewah tanpa blewah, atau pun rujak tanpa buah buahan@@
This is it!

kamu bagiku .. 

Mencintai seseorang yang tak cukup mencintai kembali,
Mencintai sesorang yang terlalu dalam hingga tak mungkin bisa menarik diri (lagi)
Dengan apa aku harus mengatakan “ Noone can love you more than I do”
Kamu bagiku,
Lampu tanpa baterei, menerangi di setiap sudut
Walau ku tahu, suatu saat mungkin saja padam meninggalkan gelap di malam dinginku
Kamu bagiku,
Sarung tangan, menghangatkanku dengan setiap rajutan rasa
Kamu bagiku,
Dengan apa aku harus mengurai segala perasaan
Aku memang bukan seonggok malaikat berhati murni
Mungkin saja kau merasa pengap
Terpeluk segala sikap
Namun, benar benar...
Tak terbersit pikiran, melangkah menjauh
Membuang segala untaian jejak indah
Tak pernah terfikir, melepas hangat lenganmu
Pergi dari segala asa yang satu per satu terpintal di angan
Dengan apa bisa membuatmu mengerti
Betapa Anda ini tertancap jauh di dasar relung hati dan terperangkap tak bisa pergi
Dengan apa Anda mengerti,
U’re the one i wanna share my life with... 

  What are interest of  
Keraton Kesunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat ?

Keraton Kesunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat as tourist places of cultural heritage of Solo. Not only in the palace, the area around the palace has huge potential as a place of historical tourism, religious, and tourist spending.

statues dutch style
Dalem Ageng Prabasuyasa
 Where the royal heirlooms storage

Kraton Surakarta has a completeness of historical relics of various object. How old of keraton solo can look by many statues of dutch style which still stand sturdy around keraton until now. The statues were a gift from the Dutch government. Contras with  kraton  Jogjakarta who refused to cooperated with the Netherlands,solo  more cooperative than jogja . So don’t be surprised if the Dutch government provides many statues as a friendship sign.
many kereta kencana, statues , capture of  heredity Paku Buwono and his wife, The equipment, royal wagon, paintings, weapons, war medals, all look the same: dusty and rustic. It was a pity that this historical site obtained less attention and maintenance from the royal family themselves and local government. 

Still around the palace, at night there are Gladak Langen Bogan (Galabo) which provide a variety of foods typical of Solo. As wedangan, HIK with wedang jahe , wedang ronde, serabi and many other foods and  traditional beverage type of solo.

solo silver spoon
At the Palace of Surakarta Hadiningrat Kesunanan it presents unique cultural art show palace with 45 outlets, which opened the business souvenirs, Department of City Administration of Industry and Trade, Solo, and display  a variety of historical objects palace. They sell in  the enter street by kraton and surrounding gladak.

Where we can visit kraton kasunanan Surakarta hadiningrat?

Kraton solo was located in Baluwarti Village, Kliwon Market District, Surakarta or  Sasono Mulyo Solo Kota/Pasar Kliwon street , district surakarta.

Kori Kamandungan with Bale Roto in front of, and panggung Sangga Buwono towering behind it

we can goes to there by motorcycle and car. If you arrived there, you can on foot to explore existing of kraton kasunanan Surakarta.

rule for visitors

There are, so many rule to visitors, It is must wearing polite clothes though hotpens, you must wearing batik trousers who provided abdi dalem,  don’t use a sandal but you may use a shoes, don’t dirty talk, don’t touch inheritance museum and many others.

For PARKING AREA, kraton kasunanan provide large park beside entered door, and shady park under trees which  a lot of traditional seller in that place, like serabi, cendol etc. 

When we can visit kraton kasunanan Surakarta hadiningrat?

Open schedule
Monday - Thursday 9:00 to 14:00 pm

Saturday - Sunday 9:00 to 13:00 pm

" kraton kasunanan Surakarta have a holiday at friday”
locket to enter kraton kasunanan surakarta hadiningrat

Ticket prices
Ward performances: Rp 2,500
Museum: Rp 10,000

Permits camera / video: Rp 10.000 

who occupy in kraton kasunan surakarta hadiningrat? 
abdi dalem or house servant

Kraton Surakarta occupy by Abdi dalems, or house servants. They have many role , there are carry an offering called "Gunungan" during a ritual to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad's birthday in Solo

Grebeg Maulud is a traditional ceremony held by the royal court of Keraton Surakarta to commemorate the birth of Islam's holy messenger, Muhammad. This ceremony was first held during the reign of the Demak Dynasty dating back to the 15th century. 
Grebeg Maulud is one of  java tradition which still keep in originality

why  are kraton kasunanan surakarta hadinigrat felt  mystic ?

  a. Sea sand originally by laut selatan  as a healer everything diseases and How Sawo kecik fruit become sacred fruit

sawo kecik and sea sand originally by pantai laut selatan

Sand that lie along the pages of the palace is the southern ocean sea sand, which is believed to cure all kinds of disease if it runs on it. According pramu palace tour, the sand was the same age with the sapodilla tree that presents a cool atmosphere in the palace. Kecik sapodilla fruit is considered as a sacred fruit. As the name implies, kecik becik derived from the word meaning goodness, will pass on all the good qualities if eaten. It may not be picked sapodilla, should only be eaten when the fruit falls to  the ground.

 b.Panggung sangga buwana is meeting place sinuhun Pakubuwono and kanjeng ratu nyi roro kidul

Panggung Sangga Buwana consist of five stairs as high as thirty metres
In front of the palace, there is a blue colored high-rise towers. Usually the tower was used as a place of meditation, interacting with Roro Kidul Kanjeng queen, ruler of the South Sea which is still believed to exist, and to see rukyah, namely a view to determining the coming months and the end of the fasting month for Muslims.
One of the striking and impressive building is a mysterious tower, known as Support the Buwana. Solo in the community there is a belief that the buildings that stood in the city of Solo should not exceed this Buwana
Support the Stage.

In the tower that is, Sinuhun Pakubuwono meet even the marital relationship with Ratu Roro Kidul Kanjeng. But the relationship is 'cut off' after Pakubuwono X. Pakubuwono XI and XII only get to meet and dialogue with Kanjeng Ratu Roro Kidul without touch.
. c. Kebo bule as pusaka kraton kasunanan surakarta
kyai slamet as kebo bule

Once arrived at the back of the palace, visitors encounter bias vast grassland. There are some albino buffalo, white buffalo types that just marched out of the palace every year on 1 Muharram, the Islamic new year celebration. Buffalo is paraded around the city because it is believed to provide good and sustenance. That said, the dirt was a bone of contention residents.

It was buffaloes pet Pakubuwono II. It is not clear is the origin of the buffalos. Some say the prize of Regents Roxburgh Pakubuwono II, to escort a royal heirloom named Kyai Slamet, others say buffaloes were sent from one kingdom from outside Java.
Each night a Sura by islamic Java, or the evening of 1 Muharam according to the Islamic calendar (Hijri), a herd of sacred bed and board is always dikirab, a beak lampah a heritage palace. 1 Sura evening ritual procession itself is very long-awaited community. Thousands of people poured around the palace, also on the streets of
the procession will pass. Community believes will be blessed if you watched the procession from the palace.
According to the story, albino buffaloes had a lot of uniqueness. For example, often traveled to distant places in search of food, without being followed by the courtiers who served graze They often get to Cilacap a distance of over 100 km from Solo, East Java, or Madison. But strangely, ahead of New Year's Java, which is a Sura or an AH, they will return to the palace because the procession will follow the ritual heritage. 
d. pusaka mysTIC
The other side is no less mythical palace is a museum that holds many archaeological objects. Like the museum in general, the objects in it is about the archaeological objects once used by the royal family, including horse-drawn carriage or kereta kencono, kris, gong, painting, hearse, and so forth. Train his body was already 75 years old, was once used to transport the corpse PB PB X and XI. His condition is still good.

sembah bekti abdi dalem or house servant

mystical kreto kencono
kereta kencono or kreto pusoko 
Kanjeng Ratu Hemas, Permaisuri Susuhunan PB X
Ingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Susuhunan PB X, who's richest king in surakarta

ingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Susuhunan PB XIII, who now reigns

Inside the complex there is Surakarta Palace Museum which houses a cultural objects, old photos, paintings of the kings, the carriage, and a wide range of historic objects belong to the kingdom. Although it appears to be merely perfunctory care, these objects still keep the beauty and charisma in the past.

Although there are also mystical positive energy that radiates from the palace of Solo. Positive energy possessed of sacred objects in museums such as images Kanjeng ratu Solo.

Courtiers would advise you to take pictures in front of this painting because it believed would provide the smoothness and ease in life. In addition there is an umbrella heritage. If you are good. Multiculturalism live in Kraton Surakarta, which can be seen from many European-style sculptures, costumes are also soldiers of various shades

gong kraton complete with sesajen
There is a special gong was beaten in the event of war. Interestingly there are no lumps gong when struck sounds so odd. According to the story, until now, this gong is often remove water droplets like tears.

There are also sculptures of human heads that should not be photographed and approached by a woman who is menstruating. That said, the statue was always placed at the end of the sailing ship the king if gone. in behind area the palace area of ​​42 hectares is also not out of the mystical.